Nail clubbing is a clinically descriptive term characterized by bulbous swelling of the soft tissue of the terminal phalanx of a digit with subsequent loss of the normal angle between the nail and the nail bed (as in the picture). This condition may be symmetric...
Gaming On The Blockchain
The post Gaming On The Blockchain appeared first on edSeed.
NFT, SDG, And Blockchain
The post NFT, SDG, And Blockchain appeared first on edSeed.
Monthly Student Assembly
The post Monthly Student Assembly appeared first on edSeed.
Artificial Intelligence Overview with Real-life Example in Python
The post Artificial Intelligence Overview with Real-life Example in Python appeared first on edSeed.
Problem Solving and Decision making
The post Problem Solving and Decision making appeared first on edSeed.
Monthly Student Assembly
The post Monthly Student Assembly appeared first on edSeed.
The future: what does it hold? What are the requirements for success?
The post The future: what does it hold? What are the requirements for success? appeared first on edSeed.
Circular Economy
The post Circular Economy appeared first on edSeed.
Shall I follow in the footsteps of my father and grandfather or choose the career I love?
The post Shall I follow in the footsteps of my father and grandfather or choose the career I love? appeared first on edSeed.