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منبه الساعة السادسة صباحاً يوم ١٥ أبريل
* منبه الساعة السادسة صباحا يوم ١٥ ابريل” الرابع عشر من أبريل، قربت الساعة من وقت الافطار تقريبا ساعتين و شوية كان في عزيمة إفطار في سوبا ” منطقة مزارع قريبة من الخرطوم”، كانت عزيمة لمجموعة كرة الطائرة التي نلعب سوياً أسبوعياً، أجناس مختلفة وكنت انا متحمس كالعادة...
Syrian ALBOSTA…. There is always room for extra passengers!!
It is a lovely, bright day in the Syrian spring of the 1960s, and you want to travel from your small town situated one hour away from the city. Obviously, you might think it will be like a walk in the park, but it is a daunting task that needs organizing beforehand....
A continental survival strategy
I arrived in Sao Paulo, my safe haven, two weeks ago. For the first time in my life, I know what itmeans to feel “out of place”.For the first time in my life, I don’t know how to deal with my sorrow and defeat.on January 19, 2016, I arrived in Sudan. I was supposed to...
استراتيجية قارية للنجاة
مضى على وجودي في هذا المكان الآمن أسبوعين ولأول مرة أتذوق طعم كلمة “الغربة”؛ .لأول مرة في حياتي لا أعرف التعامل مع حزني وانكساري في السودان، كنت مغتربا بالاسم فقط. مضى على وجودي هناك أكثر من سبع سنين بقليل لكن في الواقع يعرف أهلي وأصدقائي من أول يوم وصلت فيه أنني...
Smart Psych Startup
Mental health is an essential aspect of our overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked and stigmatized. Depression, in particular, is a prevalent mental health disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),...
Artificial Intelligence
Hi everyone, I am here to talk about AI, or artifical intelligence. Most people are not familiar with the concept of artificial intelligence. According to a study in the United States from 2017, people were asked about AI and only 17 % said they were familiar with it....
What does Eid Al-Fitr bring to us?
Yesterday in the sunset hours before iftar, I looked at the sky to see how it anticipated the darkness and gloom, with daylight’s rebellious colors still blazing. And I knew that even though the sun was setting, its yellow disk will begin to reappear on the morning of...
One prayer mat, one Iftar table, and more than one billion Muslims
The faces shine, everyone feels fine, our hearts are full of Iman; we are all ears to hear the Athan and our hands pray to let us live the Holy Month of Ramadan. The crescent of Ramadan appears. Mesaharati beats the drums and says, “Oh… you who are asleep, wake up and...
It Is Not About Success Itself, It Is About With Whom We Share Success!
It all started when Badia and I met at edSeed. We started talking and thought about people who are struggling for survival. We asked ourselves that when a crisis happens, everyone thinks about the physiological needs of people but who cares about their mental health?!...