After two decades of philanthropy and working with the most vulnerable youth populations, I have chosen refugee youth higher and continued education as a cause worthy of my attention and support. Here are the 10 reasons I believe refugee higher education is worthy of...
How is Crowd Funding different from Scholarships?
Are you still looking for ways to finance your university degree? Do you still search for scholarships, go over eligibility criteria while trying to get admission to college but wonder if you would be able to afford it? There are many crowdfunding platforms such as...
Project Turquoise Youth reunite with Zaatari youth online
Snapshot from meetingProject Turquoise team in Zaatari campProject Turquoise Youth with Zataari Camp YouthSnapshot from the meeting A few years ago, a group of youth and their families traveled from DC to Jordan and visited Zaatari camp. They met with youth their age,...
The First Crowdfunding Platform Dedicated to Higher Education
Of all the population groups impacted by recent Middle East upheavals, Arab youth seem to be the one that endured more losses. Displacement has hit this group very hard, and especially of the Higher education sector. According to 2016 statistics, there are 65 million...
How educating refugees can impact world peace | Rama Chakaki | TEDxBeaconStreet
The post How educating refugees can impact world peace | Rama Chakaki | TEDxBeaconStreet appeared first on edSeed.
Crowdfunding on edSeed Training Program Announcement
The post Crowdfunding on edSeed Training Program Announcement appeared first on edSeed.
لقاء لمى عمرو منسقة edSeed في فلسطين على فضائية معا
The post لقاء لمى عمرو منسقة edSeed في فلسطين على فضائية معا appeared first on edSeed.
Solve at MIT: Rama Chakaki on “What might the world look like in 2050?”
The post Solve at MIT: Rama Chakaki on “What might the world look like in 2050?” appeared first on edSeed.
Ammar Al-Shami Education Fund
The post Ammar Al-Shami Education Fund appeared first on edSeed.
edSeed is a MIT Solver !
The post edSeed is a MIT Solver ! appeared first on edSeed.