Live from the news desk, bringing you the latest updates from our community around the globe! We’ll be sharing a monthly news bulletin summarizing the activities, stories and developments happening across our programs and locations. Why now? Over the past...
Poetry as an Expression of Identity
The post Poetry as an Expression of Identity appeared first on edSeed.
The Love Story of Al Mu’tamid Ibn Abbad
The love story of Al Mu’tamid Ibin Abbad and his wife Etemad Al Rumaikiyyah is one of the most romantic love stories in Andalusian history. Historians believe that Prince Mohammad Ibin Abbad first met Etemad Al-Rumaykiah, his wife, near a valley he was passing through...
Monthly Student Assembly
The post Monthly Student Assembly appeared first on edSeed.
edSeed New Student Orientation
The post edSeed New Student Orientation appeared first on edSeed.
Are you disturbed by faint sounds?
Have you ever heard of someone who becomes angry about silly things such as faint noises, like the sound of breathing or eating? Many people get upset when they hear these sounds, and this condition is called misophonia or selective sound sensitivity syndrome....
Clear your mind
The post Clear your mind appeared first on edSeed.
Educational Services in Zaatari Camp
What are the educational services in Zaatari camp and how do they support the children? In 2013, there weren’t educational services like there are now. There were two schools, but the organizations didn’t focus on education; the emphasis was on recreational centres....
Vitamin D Deficiency
Definition: Vitamin D is one of many vitamins our bodies need to stay healthy. This vitamin has many functions, including: Maintaining bone strength: Having healthy bones protects you from various diseases, including rickets. Calcium absorption: Vitamin D, along with...
When Contact Becomes A Nightmare
There are some people for whom touch causes real pain and horror. There are those who don’t need hugs to feel warm and safe; on the contrary, they instead experience touch as something like a terrible nightmare. These are the people with haphephobia. Haphephobia is a...