Achieving  Success Despite the Limitations

Achieving Success Despite the Limitations

I am not as weak as they think. I am a refugee, therefore I am. Asylum made me stronger. During my asylum journey, I faced many difficulties but also learned many lessons. I am still offended when people associate being a refugee with being weak, uneducated, and...

The Madness of Chemistry

The Madness of Chemistry

The Madness of chemistry. Conflicts in this world never stop, especially when their goal is to gain power or make money. For as long as there have been humans on this Earth, there have been conflicts between them, and every conflict has a cause. Some conflicts are a...

Music Is My Life

Music Is My Life

Music is my life When I started learning music, there was a strange view of society towards me, because I live in a conservative society. Music is considered an unusual or undesirable path in my society, but despite the difficulties and challenges I have faced, I...